Thursday, January 29, 2009

what is wrong with the world?

1. What, to your mind, is the most pressing challenge facing the global environment? Why?
I think the thing that we face, is people not understanding the gravity of the global crisis. Some people are not as fortunate to be able to do some of the things that will help the world and others cannot be bothered. For the United States to use a lot of the energy, it should have more of a plan to help reverse all the damage its done to the world. The picture about Florida nearly having most of the state submerged under water, is very scary, but a reality we must face.

2. Have a look at this piece that Stanley Fish wrote over the summer. Does it ring true for anyone? What does it mean to live in an "environmentally friendly" way in the modern-day US?
This does ring true for a lot of people that i know, I think I also fit in that category, but I have been more environmentally conscious the past 4 year, than i have been in my whole entire life. I think most people think if they recycle their cans, bottles and newspapers. They dont take into consideration, that maybe they don't need to take a 30 minute shower every day, or they should turn the light off when they are not using the room. It needs to be taught

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