Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Non-Human World Experience

To pick one thrilling non-human engagement is really difficult. There’s a few that spring to mind. The most magical engagement for me happened a few summers ago, my family and I were vacationing on Cape Cod in Massachusetts. On one of the first nights there I went wondering by myself to the Cape Cod Bay. The tide was receding and you could walk on the sand for ages before you reached the water. The sun was setting and it was incredible to see all the colors. As I walked closer to the water and further from the shoreline, there were lots of shells strewn across the sand, I even came across a horseshoe crab. That showed me that by simply wandering around you stumble upon really awesome moments in nature.

Humans should concern themselves in saving nature or at least diminishing the effect humans have on the environment. Moreover, I don’t think saving nature should be done haphazardly, but the scale of clean up needed may be hard to do neatly. Humans can’t go back and restore all of the damaged ecosystems and land areas, but we can start to preserve what’s left. Nature is best when humans leave it alone, but that is obviously cannot happen.

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