Monday, February 2, 2009

Response to Question 2

I think Fish's article is largely a confession of laziness, and an attempt to make others like him feel that it's okay to be apathetic to the environmental cause. He is essentially advocating indifference to the biggest problems facing the world today. Fish could have used his blog in a more effective manner by writing about the problems he has with living sustainably, and then educate others on how to combat this laziness.
Fish complains that it is difficult and expensive to live sustainably. It doesn't have to be expensive to live in an environmentally friendly way--e
nvironmentalists know that everyone will not be able to afford a hybrid car or install solar panels on your roof. But there are small, simple things anyone can do that add up to a lesser carbon footprint, like using a reusable water bottle or turning down the heat. You can also promote a sustainable lifestyle by telling family and friends ways to help the environment. The phrase "every little bit helps" can really work when lots of people are doing these little actions. Supporting politicians who push clean energy legislation, participating in rallies and campaigns for the environment, and teaching your children about the environment are all ways to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Lauren Krizel

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