Monday, March 2, 2009

Will technology save us? Why, or why not? What does that even MEAN, in environmental terms?

To say that technological innovations alone will be able to save the Earth and humanity is a foolish prediction. Technology is not inherently beneficial or detrimental to the environment. Efficient energy use in everyday technology will be beneficial to the environment, while the technology associated with "clean coal" is really putting a band aid on a bullet wound.

I agree with Drew in that technology needs to advance to where it is helping humans understand ecosystems, the atmosphere and other environmental systems, as well as the detrimental effect humans have on the environment.

Technological innovations in the case of ozone depletion was the driving force behind the "saving" of the ozone layer. But this may not be the case with future problems. With the help of technology, a change in consumption habits, enforcement of international agreements, a change in humans' perception of the environment, and a strong political actions will ultimately "save us."

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